
COUNT(DISTINCT lead_id) AS unique_leads,
COUNT(DISTINCT partner_id) AS unique_partners
GROUP BY date_id, make_name;
- FROM DailySales: This part of the query specifies the source table from which the data will be retrieved. In this case, it is the “DailySales” table.
- GROUP BY date_id, make_name: The GROUP BY clause is used to group the rows of the result set based on the specified columns. In this query, the grouping is done based on the “date_id” and “make_name” columns.
- COUNT(DISTINCT lead_id) AS unique_leads: This part calculates the count of distinct lead_ids for each group formed by the GROUP BY clause. It creates a new column named “unique_leads” to store these counts.
- COUNT(DISTINCT partner_id) AS unique_partners: Similarly, this part calculates the count of distinct partner_ids for each group formed by the GROUP BY clause. It creates a new column named “unique_partners” to store these counts.
- SELECT date_id, make_name, …: Finally, the SELECT clause specifies the columns to be included in the result set. In this case, it includes “date_id,” “make_name,” “unique_leads,” and “unique_partners.”