Problem Statement

Brute Force [Accepted]
class Solution:
def removeSubfolders(self, folder: List[str]) -> List[str]:
folder_set = set()
for f in sorted(folder):
for s in folder_set:
if f.startswith(s) and len(f) > len(s):
index = len(s)
if f[index] == '/':
return list(folder_set)
- time: O(n log n)
- space: O(n)
Other Brute Force [Accepted]
class Solution:
def removeSubfolders(self, folder: List[str]) -> List[str]:
folder_set = set()
queue = deque(sorted(folder))
while queue:
f = queue.popleft()
n = len(queue)
for _ in range(n):
s = queue.popleft()
if s.startswith(f) and len(s) > len(f) and s[len(f)] == '/':
return list(folder_set)
Approach 1: Using Set
class Solution:
def removeSubfolders(self, folder) -> list[str]:
# Create a set to store all folder paths for fast lookup
folder_set = set(folder)
result = []
# Iterate through each folder to check if it's a sub-folder
for f in folder:
is_sub_folder = False
prefix = f
# Check all prefixes of the current folder path
while not prefix == "":
pos = prefix.rfind("/")
if pos == -1:
# Reduce the prefix to its parent folder
prefix = prefix[0:pos]
# If the parent folder exists in the set, mark as sub-folder
if prefix in folder_set:
is_sub_folder = True
# If not a sub-folder, add it to the result
if not is_sub_folder:
return result
Approach 2: Using Sorting
class Solution:
def removeSubfolders(self, folder):
# Sort the folders alphabetically
# Initialize the result list and add the first folder
result = [folder[0]]
# Iterate through each folder and check if it's a sub-folder of the last added folder in the result
for i in range(1, len(folder)):
last_folder = result[-1]
last_folder += "/"
# Check if the current folder starts with the last added folder path
if not folder[i].startswith(last_folder):
# Return the result containing only non-sub-folders
return result
Approach 3: Using Trie
class Solution:
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.is_end_of_folder = False
self.children = {}
def __init__(self):
self.root = self.TrieNode()
def removeSubfolders(self, folder):
# Build Trie from folder paths
for path in folder:
current_node = self.root
folders = path.split("/")
for folder_name in folders:
if folder_name == "":
# Create new node if it doesn't exist
if folder_name not in current_node.children:
current_node.children[folder_name] = self.TrieNode()
current_node = current_node.children[folder_name]
# Mark the end of the folder path
current_node.is_end_of_folder = True
# Check each path for subfolders
result = []
for path in folder:
current_node = self.root
folders = path.split("/")
is_subfolder = False
for i, folder_name in enumerate(folders):
if folder_name == "":
next_node = current_node.children[folder_name]
# Check if the current folder path is a subfolder of an existing folder
if next_node.is_end_of_folder and i != len(folders) - 1:
is_subfolder = True
break # Found a subfolder
current_node = next_node
# If not a subfolder, add to the result
if not is_subfolder:
return result