2 minute read

Problem Statement


Brute Force [Accepted]

class Solution:
    def removeOccurrences(self, s: str, part: str) -> str:
        list_s = list(s)
        while True:
            curr_s = ''.join(list_s)
            idx = curr_s.find(part)
            if idx == -1:
            list_s = list_s[:idx] + list_s[idx + len(part):]

        return ''.join(list_s)


Approach 1: Iteration

class Solution:
    def removeOccurrences(self, s: str, part: str) -> str:
        # Continue removing occurrences of 'part' as long as it exists in 's'
        while part in s:
            # Find the index of the leftmost occurrence of 'part'
            part_start_index = s.find(part)

            # Remove the substring 'part' by concatenating segments before and after 'part'
            s = s[:part_start_index] + s[part_start_index + len(part) :]

        # Return the updated string after all occurrences are removed
        return s

Approach 2: Stack

class Solution:
    def removeOccurrences(self, s: str, part: str) -> str:
        stack = []
        part_length = len(part)

        # Iterate through each character in the string
        for char in s:
            # Push current character to stack

            # If stack size is greater than or equal to the part length, check for match
            if len(stack) >= part_length and self._check_match(
                stack, part, part_length
                # Pop the characters matching 'part' from the stack
                for _ in range(part_length):

        # Convert stack to string with correct order
        return "".join(stack)

    # Helper function to check if the top of the stack matches the 'part'
    def _check_match(self, stack: list, part: str, part_length: int) -> bool:
        # Compare the top 'part_length' elements of the stack with 'part'
        return "".join(stack[-part_length:]) == part
  • time: O(n*m)
  • space: O(n + m)

Approach 3: Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) Algorithm

class Solution:
    def removeOccurrences(self, s: str, part: str) -> str:
        # Precompute KMP longest prefix-suffix array for the pattern
        kmp_lps = self._compute_longest_prefix_suffix(part)

        # Using list as a stack to track characters and support pattern matching
        char_stack = []

        # Array to store pattern matching indices during traversal
        pattern_indexes = [0] * (len(s) + 1)

        str_index = 0
        pattern_index = 0
        while str_index < len(s):
            current_char = s[str_index]

            if current_char == part[pattern_index]:
                # Track the next pattern index when characters match
                pattern_indexes[len(char_stack)] = pattern_index + 1
                pattern_index += 1

                if pattern_index == len(part):
                    # Remove entire matched pattern from stack
                    for _ in range(len(part)):

                    # Restore pattern index for next potential match
                    pattern_index = (
                        if not char_stack
                        else pattern_indexes[len(char_stack)]
                if pattern_index != 0:
                    # Backtrack pattern matching using KMP LPS
                    str_index -= 1
                    pattern_index = kmp_lps[pattern_index - 1]
                    # Reset pattern index tracking when no match is possible
                    pattern_indexes[len(char_stack)] = 0

            str_index += 1

        # Convert remaining stack characters to result string
        return "".join(char_stack)

    def _compute_longest_prefix_suffix(self, pattern: str) -> list:
        # Array to store the longest proper prefix which is also a suffix
        lps = [0] * len(pattern)

        # Initialize tracking variables for prefix and current position
        current = 1
        prefix_length = 0
        while current < len(pattern):
            # If characters match, extend the prefix length
            if pattern[current] == pattern[prefix_length]:
                # Store the length of matching prefix
                prefix_length += 1
                lps[current] = prefix_length
                current += 1

            # If characters don't match and we're not at the start of the pattern
            elif prefix_length != 0:
                # Backtrack to the previous longest prefix-suffix
                prefix_length = lps[prefix_length - 1]

            # If no match and no prefix to backtrack
                # No prefix-suffix match found
                lps[current] = 0
                current += 1

        # Return the computed longest prefix-suffix array
        return lps
  • time: O(n + m)
  • space: O(n + m)