Problem of The Day: Find Unique Binary String
Problem Statement
The problem requires us to find a binary string that is not present in the given list. Since the given list contains unique binary strings of the same length, the idea is to generate possible binary strings recursively and return the first valid one that is not in the list.
- Recursive Depth-First Search (DFS):
- The function
generates binary strings by appending ‘0’ or ‘1’ recursively. - If the current string reaches the desired length and is not in the input list, we return it as the result.
- If the string is already in the list, we continue exploring further possibilities.
- The function
Base Cases:
- If the current binary string exceeds the required length, return an empty string (invalid case).
- If a valid string is found that is not in
, return it immediately.
- Iteration over “01”:
- The function iterates over ‘0’ and ‘1’ at each step, ensuring all possible combinations are explored.
- Once a valid string is found, recursion stops early to improve efficiency.
- Time complexity:
- The worst case scenario explores all possible
binary strings, leading to a time complexity of \(O(2^n)\). - However, early stopping optimizes the search significantly.
- The worst case scenario explores all possible
- Space complexity:
- The recursion depth is at most
, leading to a space complexity of \(O(n)\) (ignoring the input storage).
- The recursion depth is at most
from typing import List
class Solution:
def findDifferentBinaryString(self, nums: List[str]) -> str:
n = len(nums[0])
def dfs(bin_str, curr):
if len(curr) > n:
return ""
if len(curr) == n and curr not in nums:
return curr
res = ""
for c in bin_str:
res = dfs(bin_str, curr + c)
if res != "":
return res
return res
return dfs("01", "")
Approach 1: Recursively Generate All Strings
class Solution:
def findDifferentBinaryString(self, nums: List[str]) -> str:
def generate(curr):
if len(curr) == n:
if curr not in nums:
return curr
return ""
add_zero = generate(curr + "0")
if add_zero:
return add_zero
return generate(curr + "1")
n = len(nums)
nums = set(nums)
return generate("")
Approach 2: Iterate Over Integer Equivalents
class Solution:
def findDifferentBinaryString(self, nums: List[str]) -> str:
integers = set()
for num in nums:
integers.add(int(num, 2))
n = len(nums)
for num in range(n + 1):
if num not in integers:
ans = bin(num)[2:]
return "0" * (n - len(ans)) + ans
return ""