Problem of The Day: Minimum Recolors to Get K Consecutive Black Blocks
Problem Statement
The problem requires us to find the minimum number of recolors needed to get a contiguous substring of length k
that consists only of black ('B'
) blocks. Our first thought is to consider all possible substrings of length k
and determine how many white ('W'
) blocks need to be changed in each case.
We iterate through all possible substrings of length k
in the given blocks
string. For each substring, we count the number of 'W'
characters and track the minimum count encountered.
- Iterate over all possible
-length substrings inblocks
. - Count the number of
blocks in each substring usingCounter
. - Keep track of the minimum number of white blocks found across all substrings.
- Return this minimum value as the answer.
Time complexity:
- We iterate through
N - k + 1
substrings, and for each substring, we count the occurrences of'W'
. UsingCounter(blocks[i:i+k])
, making the overall complexity O(Nk). - This can be improved to O(N) using a sliding window approach.
- We iterate through
Space complexity:
- We only use a few variables for tracking results and a
object with at mostO(k)
space, leading to an overall O(1) auxiliary space complexity.
- We only use a few variables for tracking results and a
from collections import Counter
class Solution:
def minimumRecolors(self, blocks: str, k: int) -> int:
N = len(blocks)
res = float('inf')
for i in range(N - k + 1):
counter = Counter(blocks[i:i+k])
res = min(res, counter['W'])
return res
Approach 1: Queue
class Solution:
def minimumRecolors(self, blocks: str, k: int) -> int:
block_queue = deque()
num_whites = 0
# Initiate queue with first k values
for i in range(k):
current_char = blocks[i]
if current_char == "W":
num_whites += 1
# Set initial minimum
num_recolors = num_whites
for i in range(k, len(blocks)):
# Remove front element from queue and update current number of white blocks
if block_queue.popleft() == "W":
num_whites -= 1
# Add current element to queue and update current number of white blocks
current_char = blocks[i]
if current_char == "W":
num_whites += 1
# Update minimum
num_recolors = min(num_recolors, num_whites)
return num_recolors
Approach 2: Sliding Window
class Solution:
def minimumRecolors(self, blocks: str, k: int) -> int:
left = 0
num_whites = 0
num_recolors = float("inf")
# Move right pointer
for right in range(len(blocks)):
# Increment num_whites if block at right pointer is white
if blocks[right] == "W":
num_whites += 1
# k consecutive elements are found
if right - left + 1 == k:
# Update minimum
num_recolors = min(num_recolors, num_whites)
# Decrement num_whites if block at left pointer is white
if blocks[left] == "W":
num_whites -= 1
# Move left pointer
left += 1
return num_recolors