4 minute read

Problem Statement


Brute Force [TLE]

class Solution:
    def minimumDiameterAfterMerge(self, edges1: List[List[int]], edges2: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        graph1 = defaultdict(list)
        graph2 = defaultdict(list)
        set1 = set()
        set2 = set()
        res = 0

        def create_graph(edges, graph, unique_nodes):
            for a, b in edges:

        def bfs(start, edges, graph, num_of_nodes):
            distances = [-1] * num_of_nodes
            queue = deque([start])
            distances[start] = 0
            while queue:
                node = queue.popleft()
                for nei in graph[node]:
                    if distances[nei] == -1:
                        distances[nei] = distances[node] + 1
            return distances[:start] + distances[start + 1:]

        def find_min_diameter_from(unique_nodes, edges, graph):
            nonlocal res
            distance_from_node = []
            for node in unique_nodes:
                distances = bfs(node, edges, graph, len(unique_nodes))

            curr_max = max(distance_from_node) if distance_from_node else 0
            res = max(res, curr_max)
            return min(distance_from_node) if distance_from_node else 0

        create_graph(edges1, graph1, set1)
        create_graph(edges2, graph2, set2)

        d1 = find_min_diameter_from(set1, edges1, graph1)
        d2 = find_min_diameter_from(set2, edges2, graph2)

        res = max(res, d1 + d2 + 1)
        return res


Approach 1: Farthest of Farthest (BFS)

class Solution:
    def minimumDiameterAfterMerge(self, edges1, edges2):
        # Calculate the number of nodes for each tree
        n = len(edges1) + 1
        m = len(edges2) + 1

        # Build adjacency lists for both trees
        adj_list1 = self.build_adj_list(n, edges1)
        adj_list2 = self.build_adj_list(m, edges2)

        # Calculate the diameters of both trees
        diameter1 = self.find_diameter(n, adj_list1)
        diameter2 = self.find_diameter(m, adj_list2)

        # Calculate the longest path that spans across both trees
        combined_diameter = ceil(diameter1 / 2) + ceil(diameter2 / 2) + 1

        # Return the maximum of the three possibilities
        return max(diameter1, diameter2, combined_diameter)

    def build_adj_list(self, size, edges):
        adj_list = [[] for _ in range(size)]
        for edge in edges:
        return adj_list

    def find_diameter(self, n, adj_list):
        # First BFS to find the farthest node from an arbitrary node (e.g., 0)
        farthest_node, _ = self.find_farthest_node(n, adj_list, 0)

        # Second BFS to find the diameter starting from the farthest node
        _, diameter = self.find_farthest_node(n, adj_list, farthest_node)
        return diameter

    def find_farthest_node(self, n, adj_list, source_node):
        queue = deque([source_node])
        visited = [False] * n
        visited[source_node] = True

        maximum_distance = 0
        farthest_node = source_node

        while queue:
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                current_node = queue.popleft()
                farthest_node = current_node

                for neighbor in adj_list[current_node]:
                    if not visited[neighbor]:
                        visited[neighbor] = True

            if queue:
                maximum_distance += 1

        return farthest_node, maximum_distance
class Solution:
    def minimumDiameterAfterMerge(
        self, edges1: list[list[int]], edges2: list[list[int]]
    ) -> int:
        # Calculate the number of nodes for each tree (number of edges + 1)
        n = len(edges1) + 1
        m = len(edges2) + 1

        # Build adjacency lists for both trees
        adj_list1 = self.build_adj_list(n, edges1)
        adj_list2 = self.build_adj_list(m, edges2)

        # Calculate the diameter of both trees
        diameter1, _ = self.find_diameter(
            adj_list1, 0, -1
        )  # Start DFS for Tree 1
        diameter2, _ = self.find_diameter(
            adj_list2, 0, -1
        )  # Start DFS for Tree 2

        # Calculate the diameter of the combined tree
        # This accounts for the longest path spanning both trees
        combined_diameter = ceil(diameter1 / 2) + ceil(diameter2 / 2) + 1

        # Return the maximum diameter among the two trees and the combined tree
        return max(diameter1, diameter2, combined_diameter)

    # Helper function to build an adjacency list from an edge list
    def build_adj_list(
        self, size: int, edges: list[list[int]]
    ) -> list[list[int]]:
        adj_list = [[] for _ in range(size)]
        for edge in edges:
        return adj_list

    # Helper function to find the diameter of a tree
    # Returns the diameter and the depth of the node's subtree
    def find_diameter(
        self, adj_list: list[list[int]], node: int, parent: int
    ) -> tuple[int, int]:
        max_depth1 = max_depth2 = (
            0  # Tracks the two largest depths from the current node
        diameter = 0  # Tracks the maximum diameter of the subtree

        for neighbor in adj_list[node]:
            if neighbor == parent:
                continue  # Skip the parent to avoid cycles

            # Recursively calculate the diameter and depth of the neighbor's subtree
            child_diameter, depth = self.find_diameter(adj_list, neighbor, node)
            depth += 1  # Increment depth to include edge to neighbor

            # Update the maximum diameter of the subtree
            diameter = max(diameter, child_diameter)

            # Update the two largest depths from the current node
            if depth > max_depth1:
                max_depth2 = max_depth1
                max_depth1 = depth
            elif depth > max_depth2:
                max_depth2 = depth

        # Update the diameter to include the path through the current node
        diameter = max(diameter, max_depth1 + max_depth2)

        # Return the diameter and the longest depth
        return diameter, max_depth1

Approach 3: Topological Sorting

class Solution:
    def minimumDiameterAfterMerge(self, edges1, edges2):
        # Calculate the number of nodes for each tree (number of edges + 1)
        n = len(edges1) + 1
        m = len(edges2) + 1

        # Build adjacency lists for both trees
        adj_list1 = self.build_adj_list(n, edges1)
        adj_list2 = self.build_adj_list(m, edges2)

        # Calculate the diameter of both trees
        diameter1 = self.find_diameter(n, adj_list1)
        diameter2 = self.find_diameter(m, adj_list2)

        # Calculate the longest path that spans across both trees
        combined_diameter = ceil(diameter1 / 2) + ceil(diameter2 / 2) + 1

        # Return the maximum of the three possibilities
        return max(diameter1, diameter2, combined_diameter)

    # Function to build an adjacency list from an edge list
    def build_adj_list(self, size, edges):
        adj_list = [[] for _ in range(size)]
        for edge in edges:
        return adj_list

    # Function to find the diameter of a tree
    def find_diameter(self, n, adj_list):
        leaves_queue = deque()
        degrees = [0] * n

        # Initialize the degree of each node and add leaves (nodes with degree 1) to the queue
        for node in range(n):
            degrees[node] = len(adj_list[node])
            if degrees[node] == 1:

        remaining_nodes = n
        leaves_layers_removed = 0

        # Process the leaves until there are 2 or fewer nodes remaining
        while remaining_nodes > 2:
            size = len(leaves_queue)
            remaining_nodes -= size
            leaves_layers_removed += 1

            # Remove the leaves from the queue and update the degrees of their neighbors
            for _ in range(size):
                current_node = leaves_queue.popleft()

                # Process the neighbors of the current leaf
                for neighbor in adj_list[current_node]:
                    degrees[neighbor] -= 1
                    if degrees[neighbor] == 1:

        # If exactly two nodes remain, return the diameter as twice the number of layers of leaves removed + 1
        if remaining_nodes == 2:
            return 2 * leaves_layers_removed + 1

        return 2 * leaves_layers_removed