6 minute read

Today’s Vocabulary

  • indulge: To allow oneself to enjoy something, especially something that is considered luxurious or pleasurable.
    Example sentence: I like to indulge in a piece of chocolate cake on special occasions.

  • impulse: A sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act.
    Example sentence: She bought the dress on impulse without thinking about whether she really needed it.

  • dullard: A person who is slow to understand, perceive, or act; a person who lacks intelligence or creativity.
    Example sentence: He was often teased for being a dullard in school because he struggled with his studies.

  • paradox: A seemingly contradictory statement, proposition, or situation that may be true.
    Example sentence: The concept of time travel presents a paradox because if you change the past, you could alter the future.

  • perch: A branch or other elevated position on which a bird rests or roosts.
    Example sentence: The robin perched on the branch, singing its melodious song.

  • gnawed: To bite or chew on something persistently.
    Example sentence: The dog gnawed on the bone until it was completely clean.

  • scorn: The feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable; contempt.
    Example sentence: She looked at him with scorn after he made the rude comment.

  • devotion: Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.
    Example sentence: His devotion to his family was evident in the way he always put their needs first.

  • cackling: To emit raucous, high-pitched laughter.
    Example sentence: The witches were cackling as they stirred their cauldron.

  • urbanite: A person who lives in a city or urban area.
    Example sentence: Growing up in a rural area, she found it challenging to adapt to life as an urbanite in the bustling city.

  • pantaloon: A character in traditional Italian comedy, typically portrayed as an elderly man wearing pantaloons.
    Example sentence: The actor played the role of the pantaloon with exaggerated gestures and comedic timing.

  • illuminati: (Assuming it’s used in the context of a secret society) A purported group of enlightened individuals with special knowledge or insight.
    Example sentence: Some conspiracy theories claim that the illuminati secretly control world events.

  • teetotaler: A person who abstains completely from alcoholic drinks.
    Example sentence: Despite being at the party, she remained a teetotaler and opted for water instead of wine.

  • irreverence: Lack of respect or reverence for something, especially traditional or sacred beliefs or institutions.
    Example sentence: His irreverence towards authority often got him into trouble at school.

  • hurl: To throw something with great force.
    Example sentence: He hurled the ball across the field in frustration when he missed the shot.

  • mirthful: Full of or characterized by laughter or amusement.
    Example sentence: The mirthful atmosphere at the party made everyone feel relaxed and happy.

  • doze: To sleep lightly or intermittently.
    Example sentence: After a long day of work, he likes to doze off on the couch while watching TV.

  • affinity: A natural liking or attraction to someone or something.
    Example sentence: She felt an immediate affinity towards the stray cat that showed up on her doorstep.

  • strive: To make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
    Example sentence: Despite facing numerous obstacles, she continued to strive for success in her career.

  • zest: Great enthusiasm and energy.
    Example sentence: His zest for life was contagious, and he approached every challenge with a positive attitude.

  • ramble: To walk or talk in a long-winded, aimless manner.
    Example sentence: The tour guide rambled on about the history of the city, often going off on tangents.

  • garrulous: Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.
    Example sentence: The garrulous old man at the bus stop would talk for hours about his past adventures.

  • brooder: A person who dwells morbidly on a subject or past event.
    Example sentence: She was a brooder, constantly rehashing old arguments in her mind.

  • unabashed: Not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.
    Example sentence: Despite his mistakes, he remained unabashed and continued to pursue his goals.

  • poultry: Domesticated birds kept for their eggs or meat, such as chickens, ducks, or turkeys.
    Example sentence: The farmer raised a variety of poultry on his farm, including chickens and geese.

  • relish: Great enjoyment or delight in something.
    Example sentence: She ate the meal with relish, savoring every bite of the delicious food.

  • opulent: Ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish.
    Example sentence: The opulent mansion was filled with expensive furniture and artwork.

  • neckties: A long narrow piece of cloth worn around the neck, typically with a suit or formal wear.
    Example sentence: He always wore colorful neckties to add a touch of personality to his outfits.

  • sanctity: The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or morally upright.
    Example sentence: The church emphasized the sanctity of marriage and family values.

  • heresies: Beliefs or opinions contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.
    Example sentence: The priest denounced the heresies propagated by the cult leader.

  • timid: Showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened.
    Example sentence: The timid kitten hid under the bed at the sound of thunder.

  • desiccated: Dried out or dehydrated, typically as a result of exposure to air.
    Example sentence: The desiccated leaves crumbled to dust when touched.

  • crotches: The region where the body divides into two parts, especially the area between a person’s legs.
    Example sentence: She crossed her legs at the ankles, resting her hands on her crotches.

  • feted: Celebrated or honored with a public function.
    Example sentence: The author was feted with a book launch party for her latest novel.

  • husbandryman: A person engaged in the care and cultivation of crops, animals, or other forms of agriculture.
    Example sentence: The husbandryman tended to his fields, ensuring that the crops were well-maintained.

  • allure: The quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.
    Example sentence: The allure of the forbidden tempted him to explore the abandoned mansion.

  • reckon: To consider or regard in a specified way.
    Example sentence: She reckoned him as one of her closest friends.

  • evangelical: Relating to or characteristic of a Christian movement emphasizing personal conversion and faith.
    Example sentence: He was an evangelical preacher who traveled the country spreading the message of salvation.

  • consecrated: Declared or made sacred; dedicated to a sacred purpose.
    Example sentence: The church was consecrated in a special ceremony attended by the entire congregation.

  • superintendent: A person who oversees or directs a particular activity, department, or organization.
    Example sentence: The school superintendent was responsible for managing all aspects of the district.

  • profilerate: To increase rapidly in number; multiply.
    Example sentence: With the advent of social media, fake news began to profilerate across the internet.

  • dose: A quantity of a medicine or drug taken or recommended to be taken at a particular time.
    Example sentence: She took a dose of cough syrup to alleviate her cold symptoms.

  • amorous: Showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire.
    Example sentence: The amorous couple held hands as they walked along the beach at sunset.

  • edifying: Providing moral or intellectual instruction or enlightenment.
    Example sentence: The edifying documentary shed light on the history of the civil rights movement.

  • revered: Regarded with deep respect and admiration; honored.
    Example sentence: The revered leader was praised for his wisdom and compassion.

  • kowtow: To act in an excessively subservient manner; to show excessive respect or obedience.
    Example sentence: He refused to kowtow to the demands of his boss and stood up for his principles.

  • indicated: Pointed out; suggested as being suitable or advisable.
    Example sentence: The doctor indicated that she should take the prescribed medication for a week.

