1 minute read

In this journal, I outline what I have learned about Angular today. I am using this video from FreeCodeCamp as a guideline to help my learning about Angular.

What is Angular?

  • A UI framework built by Google
  • A component-based framework for building scalable app
  • Provided collection of libraries to cover features like Routing, Forms.


  • Framework generally containes set of libraries.
  • You can extend the frameworks.
  • Some examples are Angular, .NET, Ionic, ExpressJS.


  • Libraries generally perform specific operation.
  • You can combine multiple libs to build apps.
  • Some examples are React, MomentJS, Lodash.

Features of Angular

  • Template
  • Data binding
  • Forms
  • Routing
  • Observables
  • PWA (Progressive Web App - webapp can be installed on desktop)

Introduction to Typescript

  • A strongly typed Programming Language
  • Created and maintained by Microsoft
  • Superset of JavaScript

Why Typescript?

  • Compiles to JavaScript
  • Keeps your code evergreen
  • Supported by all major libraries and frameworks
  • Provide type safety while implementing in JavaScript

Type Safety

  • Keeps your application free from Type Errors
  • Languages like C#, Java are example of Type safe language
  • Keeps your JS Code free from undefined and null values
  • In TypeScript Types are stripped when your code is converted to JS

Installing and Creating First Typescript program

  • Install Node
  • Use latest version of Nodejs
  • npm init to create a package.json
  • Install Typescript npm i typescript
  • Initialize Typescript
  • tsc --init


  • https://angular.io
  • https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-guide-to-angular-2/

