Problem of The Day: Longest Common Prefix
Problem Statement
I will start by finding the minimum length among the given strings and the corresponding string itself. This is because the common prefix cannot be longer than the shortest string. Then, I will iterate through the characters at each position in the minimum string and compare them with the corresponding characters in other strings. If I find a mismatch, I will return the common prefix found so far.
- Find the minimum length and the corresponding string among the given strings.
- Iterate through the characters at each position in the minimum string.
- Compare the current character with the corresponding characters in other strings.
- If a mismatch is found, return the common prefix found so far.
- If no mismatch is found, continue the iteration until the end of the minimum string.
- Return the common prefix.
Time complexity: O(n * m) where n is the number of strings and m is the minimum length among them.
Space complexity: O(m) where m is the minimum length among the strings.
class Solution:
def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs: List[str]) -> str:
i = 0
min_length, min_str = min(map(lambda s: (len(s), s), strs))
while i < min_length:
c = min_str[i]
for s in strs:
if s[i] != c:
return min_str[:i]
i += 1
return min_str[:i]