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The next chapter

My life after quitting Siemens as a Software Engineer since September 2023? Honestly, it’s a dumpster fire! Job hunting feels like navigating a maze blindfolded. The job market is as dry as a desert, layoffs are raining down, and the economy is on a permanent coffee break. My plans? Oh, they’re just sipping margaritas on a beach somewhere.

I’ve thrown my hat into the ring for a few positions, but guess what? It’s a coding Hunger Games out there, and I’m just a humble tribute among thousands of software engineers. So, what’s my genius solution? Leetcode, my old nemesis. But wait, it’s worse than I remember! Thanks, Big Tech layoffs, for flooding the market with coding wizards.

Now, for a mediocre coder like me to shine, I can’t just juggle leetcode problems. Nope, I’m adding some spice to my skillset, expanding my tech brain, and updating my LinkedIn like a pro. I even cut down on my daily leetcode grind – because who needs that much pain?


In the midst of this chaos, I’ve become a disciplined, open-minded coding ninja. Sure, I had my demotivated moments, but then YouTube dropped some wisdom bombs. “Life’s an adventure, and you’re the main character.” Deep stuff, right? So here begins the epic tale of Thomas Ngo, the lone wolf, the coding champ, the thirst developer. May the force (of good job offers) be with him…