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Problem Statement



My first thought is to find the common characters among all words by leveraging frequency counts. By comparing the frequency of each character in every word, I can identify the minimum frequency of each character that appears in all words, ensuring that only the common characters are returned.


I will start by creating a list of frequency counters for each word. Then, I will use the first word’s frequency counter as a reference and compare it with the frequency counters of the remaining words. For each character in the reference counter, I will update its frequency to the minimum frequency found across all counters. If a character is not found in any of the other words, I will set its frequency to zero. Finally, I will construct the result list based on the updated frequencies of the characters.


  • Time complexity: O(n * k) where n is the number of words and k is the average length of the words

  • Space complexity: O(1) because it always have a size of 26 (number of English alphabet)


class Solution:
    def commonChars(self, words: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        res = []
        counters = []
        for word in words:

        w_count = counters[0]
        for c1, count in w_count.items():
            num_of_freq = count
            for freq in counters[1:]:
                if c1 in freq:
                    num_of_freq = min(num_of_freq, freq[c1])
                    w_count[c1] = 0
                w_count[c1] = num_of_freq

        for k, v in w_count.items():
            if v > 0:
                res += [k] * v

        return res


class Solution:

    def commonChars(self, words: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        words_size = len(words)
        result = []

        # Initialize common_character_counts with the characters from the first word
        common_character_counts = collections.Counter(words[0])

        for i in range(1, words_size):
            # Count characters in the current word
            current_character_counts = collections.Counter(words[i])

            # Update the common character counts to keep the minimum counts
            for letter in common_character_counts.keys():
                common_character_counts[letter] = min(

        # Collect the common characters based on the final counts
        for letter, count in common_character_counts.items():
            for _ in range(count):

        return result