2 minute read

Problem Statement


Brute Force - TLE

class Solution:
    def maximumGain(self, s: str, x: int, y: int) -> int:
        def dfs(i, curr):
            if i > len(curr):
                return 0
            res = 0
            for j in range(i, len(curr)):
                if curr[j:j+2] == 'ab':
                    res = max(res, dfs(0, curr[:j] + curr[j+2:]) + x)
                elif curr[j:j+2] == 'ba':
                    res = max(res, dfs(0, curr[:j] + curr[j+2:]) + y)

            return res

        return dfs(0, s)


When I first looked at this problem, my initial thought was to find a way to maximize the score by removing the highest-scoring substrings first. This involves using a stack to efficiently manage the removal process, as stacks allow us to easily access and remove the most recent characters.


My approach involves two main phases:

  1. Primary Removal: I remove the highest-scoring substring (ab or ba depending on the values of x and y) from the string using a stack.
  2. Secondary Removal: After the primary pass, I remove the second highest-scoring substring from the remaining string using another stack.

To determine the order of removal based on the scores x and y, I use a dictionary called action_score.


  • Time complexity: The time complexity is \(O(n)\) because I traverse the string twice (once for each pass).
  • Space complexity: The space complexity is \(O(n)\) due to the use of stacks to hold characters during processing.


class Solution:
    def maximumGain(self, s: str, x: int, y: int) -> int:
        action_score = defaultdict()
        if x > y:
            action_score['first'] = ['ba', x]
            action_score['second'] = ['ba', y]
            action_score['second'] = ['ab', x]
            action_score['first'] = ['ab', y]

        s1 = list(s)
        res = 0
        s2 = []
        while s1:
            if len(s2) < 2:
            if ''.join(s2[-2:]) == action_score['first'][0]:
                res += action_score['first'][1]

        while s2:
            if len(s1) < 2:
            if ''.join(s1[-2:]) == action_score['second'][0]:
                res += action_score['second'][1]

        return res


class Solution:
    def maximumGain(self, s: str, x: int, y: int) -> int:
        total_score = 0
        high_priority_pair = "ab" if x > y else "ba"
        low_priority_pair = "ba" if high_priority_pair == "ab" else "ab"

        # First pass: remove high priority pair
        string_after_first_pass = self.remove_substring(s, high_priority_pair)
        removed_pairs_count = (len(s) - len(string_after_first_pass)) // 2

        # Calculate score from first pass
        total_score += removed_pairs_count * max(x, y)

        # Second pass: remove low priority pair
        string_after_second_pass = self.remove_substring(
            string_after_first_pass, low_priority_pair
        removed_pairs_count = (
            len(string_after_first_pass) - len(string_after_second_pass)
        ) // 2

        # Calculate score from second pass
        total_score += removed_pairs_count * min(x, y)

        return total_score

    def remove_substring(self, input: str, target_pair: str) -> str:
        char_stack = []

        # Iterate through each character in the input string
        for current_char in input:
            # Check if current character forms the target pair with the top of the stack
            if (
                current_char == target_pair[1]
                and char_stack
                and char_stack[-1] == target_pair[0]
                char_stack.pop()  # Remove the matching character from the stack

        # Reconstruct the remaining string after removing target pairs
        return "".join(char_stack)