Problem of The Day: Path with Maximum Probability
Problem Statement
Brute Force - TLE
class Solution:
def dfs(self, i, target, n, curr):
if target == 0:
return [True, curr]
if len(curr) >= n or target < 0:
return [False, []]
for j in range(i, 7):
ans, res = self.dfs(j, target - j, n, curr + [j])
if ans:
return [ans, res]
ans, res = self.dfs(j + 1, target - j, n, curr + [j])
if ans:
return [ans, res]
return [False, []]
def missingRolls(self, rolls: List[int], mean: int, n: int) -> List[int]:
m = len(rolls)
total_sum = (m + n) * mean
missing_sum = total_sum - sum(rolls)
return self.dfs(1, missing_sum, n, [])[1]
class Solution:
def missingRolls(self, rolls: List[int], mean: int, n: int) -> List[int]:
sum_rolls = sum(rolls)
# Find the remaining sum.
remaining_sum = mean * (n + len(rolls)) - sum_rolls
# Check if sum is valid or not.
if remaining_sum > 6 * n or remaining_sum < n:
return []
distribute_mean = remaining_sum // n
mod = remaining_sum % n
# Distribute the remaining mod elements in n_elements list.
n_elements = [distribute_mean] * n
for i in range(mod):
n_elements[i] += 1
return n_elements
- time: O(max(m*n))
- space: O(1)