4 minute read

Problem Statement



My first thought is to parse through the list of descriptions and use a dictionary to keep track of all nodes by their values. This way, I can easily access and link each node to its parent or child as specified in the descriptions. I also need to keep track of all the children to identify the root node, which will be the one node that is never a child.


  1. Initialize Structures: I will use a dictionary nodes to store each node by its value. I’ll also use a set children to keep track of all the nodes that are children.
  2. Process Descriptions: For each description, I’ll extract the parent, child, and whether the child is a left or right child. I’ll create nodes for the parent and child if they don’t already exist in the nodes dictionary.
  3. Link Nodes: Depending on whether the child is a left or right child, I’ll set the appropriate child link for the parent node.
  4. Identify the Root: After processing all descriptions, I’ll iterate through the keys in the nodes dictionary to find the node that is not in the children set. This node is the root.
  5. Return the Root: Finally, I’ll return the root node of the binary tree.


  • Time Complexity: (O(n)), where (n) is the number of descriptions. Each description is processed once.
  • Space Complexity: (O(n)), where (n) is the number of unique nodes. This space is used to store the nodes in the dictionary and the children in the set.


# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.left = left
#         self.right = right
class Solution:
    def createBinaryTree(self, descriptions: List[List[int]]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        nodes = defaultdict(TreeNode)
        children = set()
        root = None

        for desc in descriptions:
            parent, child, isLeft = desc
            if parent not in nodes:
                nodes[parent] = TreeNode(parent)
            if child not in nodes:
                nodes[child] = TreeNode(child)
            if isLeft:
                nodes[parent].left = nodes[child]
                nodes[parent].right = nodes[child]


        for k in nodes.keys():
            if k not in children:
                root = nodes[k]

        return root


class Solution:
    def createBinaryTree(
        self, descriptions: List[List[int]]
    ) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        # Sets to track unique children and parents
        children = set()
        parents = set()
        # Dictionary to store parent to children relationships
        parentToChildren = {}

        # Build graph from parent to child, and add nodes to sets
        for d in descriptions:
            parent, child, isLeft = d
            if parent not in parentToChildren:
                parentToChildren[parent] = []
            parentToChildren[parent].append((child, isLeft))

        # Find the root node by checking which node is
        # in parents but not in children
        for parent in parents.copy():
            if parent in children:

        root = TreeNode(next(iter(parents)))

        # Starting from root, use BFS to construct binary tree
        queue = deque([root])

        while queue:
            parent = queue.popleft()
            # Iterate over children of current parent
            for childValue, isLeft in parentToChildren.get(parent.val, []):
                child = TreeNode(childValue)
                # Attach child node to its parent based on isLeft flag
                if isLeft == 1:
                    parent.left = child
                    parent.right = child

        return root
  • time: O(n)
  • space: O(n)
class Solution:
    def createBinaryTree(
        self, descriptions: List[List[int]]
    ) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        # Step 1: Organize data
        parent_to_children = {}
        all_nodes = set()
        children = set()

        for parent, child, is_left in descriptions:
            # Store child information under parent node
            if parent not in parent_to_children:
                parent_to_children[parent] = []
            parent_to_children[parent].append((child, is_left))

        # Step 2: Find the root
        root_val = (all_nodes - children).pop()

        # Step 3 & 4: Build the tree using DFS
        def _dfs(val):
            # Create new TreeNode for current value
            node = TreeNode(val)

            # If current node has children, recursively build them
            if val in parent_to_children:
                for child, is_left in parent_to_children[val]:
                    # Attach child node based on is_left flag
                    if is_left:
                        node.left = _dfs(child)
                        node.right = _dfs(child)
            return node

        return _dfs(root_val)

Approach 3: Constructing Tree From Directly Map and TreeNode Object

class Solution:
    def createBinaryTree(
        self, descriptions: List[List[int]]
    ) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        # Maps values to TreeNode pointers
        node_map = {}

        # Stores values which are children in the descriptions
        children = set()

        # Iterate through description to create nodes and set up tree structure
        for description in descriptions:
            # Extract parent value, child value, and whether
            # it is a left child (1) or right child (0)
            parent_value = description[0]
            child_value = description[1]
            is_left = bool(description[2])

            # Create parent and child nodes if not already created
            if parent_value not in node_map:
                node_map[parent_value] = TreeNode(parent_value)
            if child_value not in node_map:
                node_map[child_value] = TreeNode(child_value)

            # Attach child node to parent's left or right branch
            if is_left:
                node_map[parent_value].left = node_map[child_value]
                node_map[parent_value].right = node_map[child_value]

            # Mark child as a child in the set

        # Find and return the root node
        for node in node_map.values():
            if node.val not in children:
                return node  # Root node found

        return None  # Should not occur according to problem statement