1 minute read

Problem Statement



Use hash map to track the count for even and odd.


I approach the problem by using a dictionary (points) to store the points for odd and even indices. I iterate through the linked list, comparing values at consecutive odd and even indices. If the value at the odd index is greater, I increment the points for “Odd”; if it’s smaller, I increment the points for “Even.” I update the current pointer to skip to the next pair of nodes. Finally, I compare the points and determine the game result.


  • Time complexity: O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the linked list. The algorithm iterates through the list once.

  • Space complexity: O(1), as the space required is constant. The dictionary only stores two integer values, regardless of the length of the linked list.


# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
class Solution:
    def gameResult(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> str:
        points = defaultdict()
        points["odd"] = 0
        points["even"] = 0
        curr = head
        while curr and curr.next:
            even_idx_val = curr.val
            odd_idx_val = curr.next.val
            if odd_idx_val > even_idx_val:
                points["odd"] += 1
            elif odd_idx_val < even_idx_val:
                points["even"] += 1
            curr = curr.next.next

        if points["odd"] > points["even"]:
            return "Odd"
        elif points["odd"] < points["even"]:
            return "Even"

        return "Tie"

Editorial Solution

Approach: Two Pointer

class Solution:
    def gameResult(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> str:
        even = head
        even_points = 0
        odd_points = 0

        # Traverse through the linked list assigning points
        while even is not None:
            odd = even.next
            if even.val > odd.val:
                even_points += 1
                odd_points += 1
            even = odd.next

        # Return the winning team
        if odd_points > even_points:
            return "Odd"
        elif odd_points < even_points:
            return "Even"
            return "Tie"

Approach 2: Point Difference

class Solution:
    def gameResult(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> str:
        current_node, point_difference = head, 0

        while current_node:
            # Update the point difference based on the comparison of current and next nodes
            point_difference += (current_node.val > current_node.next.val) - (current_node.val < current_node.next.val)

            # Move two steps ahead in the linked list to the next even node
            current_node = current_node.next.next

        # Determine the winner based on the final score difference
        if point_difference < 0:
            return "Odd"
        elif point_difference > 0:
            return "Even"
            return "Tie"