4 minute read

Problem Statement



When analyzing the problem, we recognize that we are given a list of edges representing an undirected graph. The task is to determine the edge that, if removed, results in a tree (i.e., a connected acyclic graph). This means that the redundant connection is the edge that creates a cycle in the graph.

A common approach to solving cycle detection problems in an undirected graph is to use the Union-Find (Disjoint Set Union) data structure. This allows us to efficiently track connected components and detect when an edge connects two already connected nodes, thereby forming a cycle.


  1. Initialize Union-Find Data Structure: We create a UnionFind class with two main operations:

    • find(x): Recursively finds the root of the component containing x.
    • union(x, y): Merges two components if they are disjoint and returns True if the merge occurs; otherwise, it detects a cycle and returns False.
  2. Iterate Through Edges:

    • For each edge [x, y], attempt to unite x and y in the Union-Find structure.
    • If union(x, y) returns True, this means x and y were already connected, forming a cycle. This edge is redundant and should be returned.
  3. Handling Edge Cases:

    • The algorithm assumes 1-based indexing for the edges, so adjustments are made when accessing Union-Find indices.
    • The implementation ensures path compression in find(x) to optimize future queries, achieving near constant-time complexity per operation.


  • Time Complexity:

    • Each find operation runs in nearly constant time, (inverse Ackermann function).
    • Since there are at most n edges, the total time complexity is .
  • Space Complexity:

    • We store parent references (root) and ranks (rank) for n nodes, leading to space usage.


from typing import List

class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.root = [i for i in range(n)]
        self.rank = [1] * n

    def find(self, x):
        if x == self.root[x]:
            return x
        self.root[x] = self.find(self.root[x])  # Path compression
        return self.root[x]

    def union(self, x, y):
        root_x = self.find(x)
        root_y = self.find(y)
        if root_x == root_y:
            return True  # Cycle detected
        if self.rank[root_x] < self.rank[root_y]:
            self.root[root_x] = root_y
        elif self.rank[root_x] > self.rank[root_y]:
            self.root[root_y] = root_x
            self.root[root_y] = root_x
            self.rank[root_x] += 1
        return False

class Solution:
    def findRedundantConnection(self, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        N = len(edges)
        uf = UnionFind(N)
        for x, y in edges:
            if uf.union(x - 1, y - 1):  # Adjust for 0-based indexing
                return [x, y]
        return []  # This should never be reached in a valid input


Approach 1: Depth-First Search - Brute Force

class Solution:
    # Performs DFS and returns True if there's a path between src and target.
    def _is_connected(self, src, target, visited, adj_list):
        visited[src] = True

        if src == target:
            return True

        is_found = False
        for adj in adj_list[src]:
            if not visited[adj]:
                is_found = is_found or self._is_connected(
                    adj, target, visited, adj_list

        return is_found

    def findRedundantConnection(self, edges):
        N = len(edges)

        adj_list = [[] for _ in range(N)]

        for edge in edges:
            visited = [False] * N

            # If DFS returns True, we will return the edge.
            if self._is_connected(edge[0] - 1, edge[1] - 1, visited, adj_list):
                return edge

            adj_list[edge[0] - 1].append(edge[1] - 1)
            adj_list[edge[1] - 1].append(edge[0] - 1)

        return []

Approach 2: Depth-First Search - Single Traversal

class Solution:
    cycle_start = -1

    # Perform the DFS and store a node in the cycle as cycleStart.
    def _DFS(self, src, visited, adj_list, parent):
        visited[src] = True

        for adj in adj_list[src]:
            if not visited[adj]:
                parent[adj] = src
                self._DFS(adj, visited, adj_list, parent)
                # If the node is visited and the parent is different then the
                # node is part of the cycle.
            elif adj != parent[src] and self.cycle_start == -1:
                self.cycle_start = adj
                parent[adj] = src

    def findRedundantConnection(self, edges):
        N = len(edges)

        visited = [False] * N
        parent = [-1] * N

        adj_list = [[] for _ in range(N)]
        for edge in edges:
            adj_list[edge[0] - 1].append(edge[1] - 1)
            adj_list[edge[1] - 1].append(edge[0] - 1)

        self._DFS(0, visited, adj_list, parent)

        cycle_nodes = {}
        node = self.cycle_start
        # Start from the cycleStart node and backtrack to get all the nodes in
        # the cycle. Mark them all in the map.
        while True:
            cycle_nodes[node] = 1
            node = parent[node]
            if node == self.cycle_start:

        # If both nodes of the edge were marked as cycle nodes then this edge
        # can be removed.
        for i in range(len(edges) - 1, -1, -1):
            if (edges[i][0] - 1) in cycle_nodes and (
                edges[i][1] - 1
            ) in cycle_nodes:
                return edges[i]

        return []  # This line should theoretically never be reached

Approach 3: Disjoint Set Union (DSU)

class DSU:
    def __init__(self, N):
        # Initialize DSU class, size of each component will be one and each node
        # will be representative of its own.
        self.N = N
        self.size = [1] * N
        self.representative = list(range(N))

    def _find(self, node):
        # Returns the ultimate representative of the node.
        if self.representative[node] == node:
            return node
        self.representative[node] = self._find(self.representative[node])
        return self.representative[node]

    def _do_union(self, nodeOne, nodeTwo):
        # Returns true if node nodeOne and nodeTwo belong to different component and update the
        # representatives accordingly, otherwise returns false.
        nodeOne = self._find(nodeOne)
        nodeTwo = self._find(nodeTwo)

        if nodeOne == nodeTwo:
            return False
            if self.size[nodeOne] > self.size[nodeTwo]:
                self.representative[nodeTwo] = nodeOne
                self.size[nodeOne] += self.size[nodeTwo]
                self.representative[nodeOne] = nodeTwo
                self.size[nodeTwo] += self.size[nodeOne]
            return True

class Solution:
    def findRedundantConnection(self, edges):
        N = len(edges)

        dsu = DSU(N)
        for edge in edges:
            # If union returns false, we know the nodes are already connected
            # and hence we can return this edge.
            if not dsu._do_union(edge[0] - 1, edge[1] - 1):
                return edge

        return []