Problem of The Day: Spiral Matrix III
Problem Statement
- Need to review
Brute Force - TLE
class Solution:
def spiralMatrixIII(self, rows: int, cols: int, rStart: int, cStart: int) -> List[List[int]]:
r, c = rStart, cStart
res = [[r, c]]
right = [0, 1]
down = [1, 0]
left = [0, -1]
up = [-1, 0]
n = rows * cols
level = 0
while n > 0:
for _ in range(level + 1):
r += right[0]
c += right[1]
if 0 <= r < rows and 0 <= c < cols:
res.append([r, c])
for _ in range(level + 1):
r += down[0]
c += down[1]
if 0 <= r < rows and 0 <= c < cols:
res.append([r, c])
level += 1
for _ in range(level + 1):
r += left[0]
c += left[1]
if 0 <= r < rows and 0 <= c < cols:
res.append([r, c])
for _ in range(level + 1):
r += up[0]
c += up[1]
if 0 <= r < rows and 0 <= c < cols:
res.append([r, c])
level += 1
n -= 1
return res
class Solution:
def spiralMatrixIII(
self, rows: int, cols: int, rStart: int, cStart: int
) -> List[List[int]]:
# Store all possible directions in an array.
dir = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0]]
traversed = []
# Initial step size is 1, value of d represents the current direction.
step = 1
direction = 0
while len(traversed) < rows * cols:
# direction = 0 -> East, direction = 1 -> South
# direction = 2 -> West, direction = 3 -> North
for _ in range(2):
for _ in range(step):
# Validate the current position
if (
rStart >= 0
and rStart < rows
and cStart >= 0
and cStart < cols
traversed.append([rStart, cStart])
# Make changes to the current position.
rStart += dir[direction][0]
cStart += dir[direction][1]
direction = (direction + 1) % 4
step += 1
return traversed