2 minute read

Today’s Vocabulary

  • embroiled: Involved in a conflict or dispute.
    • Sentence: The two countries became embroiled in a heated argument over the border dispute.
  • trampled: Stepped on forcefully and destructively.
    • Sentence: The crowd trampled the flowers as they rushed to get to the concert stage.
  • convent: A religious community, typically of nuns, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
    • Sentence: The convent was nestled in the peaceful countryside, where the nuns devoted their lives to prayer and service.
  • alight: To descend from the air and settle.
    • Sentence: The butterfly alighted on the blooming flower, its delicate wings shimmering in the sunlight.
  • warmongering: Advocating or promoting war.
    • Sentence: The warmongering politician’s aggressive speeches often stirred up tensions between nations.
  • rags: Tattered or torn pieces of cloth.
    • Sentence: The beggar wrapped himself in old rags to keep warm during the cold winter nights.
  • renounce: To formally give up or reject something.
    • Sentence: She decided to renounce her title and live a simple life away from the royal family.
  • unbridled: Not controlled or restrained.
    • Sentence: His unbridled enthusiasm for the project led to reckless decision-making.
  • anarchy: A state of disorder due to the absence or non-recognition of authority or government.
    • Sentence: After the overthrow of the government, the country descended into a state of anarchy.
  • perpetually: Continuing or enduring forever.
    • Sentence: The old clock in the town square seemed to tick perpetually, marking the passage of time.
  • ruthless: Showing no mercy or compassion.
    • Sentence: The ruthless dictator crushed any opposition to his rule with violence and intimidation.
  • muster: To gather or assemble.
    • Sentence: The soldiers were ordered to muster at the barracks for the morning briefing.
  • intangible: Unable to be touched or grasped.
    • Sentence: Happiness is an intangible feeling that can’t be measured by material possessions.
  • palpable: Able to be touched or felt; tangible.
    • Sentence: The tension in the room was so palpable that you could almost reach out and touch it.
  • contagion: The spread of disease from one person to another.
    • Sentence: The doctor warned about the contagion of the flu virus and advised everyone to get vaccinated.
  • mementos: Objects kept as a reminder or souvenir of a person or event.
    • Sentence: She treasured the mementos from her travels, each one holding special memories.
  • crept: Moved slowly and stealthily.
    • Sentence: The cat crept through the grass, stalking its prey with silent determination.
  • gilded: Covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint.
    • Sentence: The gilded frame added an air of elegance to the painting hanging on the wall.
  • candidly: Openly and honestly.
    • Sentence: She spoke candidly about her struggles, sharing her experiences with sincerity.

