2 minute read

Today’s Vocabulary

  • Twaddle: Silly or trivial talk or writing.

    • Sentence: I couldn’t stand listening to the twaddle coming from the speaker; it was a waste of time.
  • Reflexive: Relating to or denoting a pronoun or verb that refers back to the subject of a clause.

    • Sentence: In the sentence “She hurt herself,” the word “herself” is a reflexive pronoun referring back to the subject “she.”
  • Transmission: The act or process of sending something from one place to another.

    • Sentence: The transmission of data over the internet allows us to communicate with people all around the world.
  • Haze: Fine dust, smoke, or vapor that obscures the clarity of the atmosphere.

    • Sentence: The city skyline was barely visible through the haze of pollution.
  • Eloquent: Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

    • Sentence: The politician delivered an eloquent speech that moved the audience to tears.
  • Drivel: Silly nonsense or foolish talk.

    • Sentence: I couldn’t bear to listen to his drivel any longer; it was completely pointless.
  • Rambling: Lengthy and confused or inconsequential.

    • Sentence: Her speech was so rambling that it was hard to follow her main point.
  • Epiphany: A sudden realization or understanding of something.

    • Sentence: After days of pondering, she had an epiphany and finally understood the solution to the problem.
  • Dissertation: A long essay or thesis written by a candidate for a university degree.

    • Sentence: She spent months researching and writing her dissertation on the history of ancient civilizations.
  • Rife: Abundant or prevalent, especially in an unwelcome or unpleasant way.

    • Sentence: During flu season, the office was rife with germs, and many employees fell ill.
  • Jabbering: Talking rapidly and incoherently.

    • Sentence: The toddler was jabbering away, excitedly telling a story only she could understand.
  • Commerce: The activity of buying and selling goods and services, especially on a large scale.

    • Sentence: The city’s prosperity was built on the thriving commerce of its bustling marketplaces.
  • Chatter: Incessant trivial talk or conversation.

    • Sentence: The chatter of the birds outside the window filled the room with a cheerful ambiance.
  • Laudable: Deserving praise and commendation.

    • Sentence: Her laudable efforts to improve the community were recognized by everyone around her.
  • Simpleton: A person lacking intelligence or common sense.

    • Sentence: He may seem like a simpleton, but he has a kind heart and good intentions.
  • Lucid: Clear and easily understood.

    • Sentence: His explanation was so lucid that even a beginner could understand the concept.
  • Zenith: The highest point reached by a celestial or other object.

    • Sentence: At noon, the sun is at its zenith, shining directly overhead.
  • Arduous: Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.

    • Sentence: Climbing the mountain was an arduous task, but the breathtaking view from the top made it worth it.

