1 minute read

Problem Statement



The problem involves removing the Nth node from the end of a linked list. My initial thought is to use a two-pointer approach, where one pointer moves N steps ahead of the other. This way, when the faster pointer reaches the end, the slower pointer will be at the Nth node from the end.


I will use two pointers, slow and fast, both initially pointing to the dummy node. First, I will move the fast pointer N steps ahead. Then, while advancing both pointers one step at a time until the fast pointer reaches the end, the slow pointer will be at the node just before the Nth node from the end. Finally, I can update the next pointer of the slow pointer to skip the Nth node.


  • Time complexity: O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the linked list. We iterate through the list once.

  • Space complexity: O(1), as we only use a constant amount of extra space for the two pointers.


# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
class Solution:
    def removeNthFromEnd(self, head: Optional[ListNode], n: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
        dummy = ListNode(-1, head)
        slow = fast = dummy
        for _ in range(n):
            if fast:
                fast = fast.next

        while fast and fast.next:
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next

        slow.next = slow.next.next

        return dummy.next