1 minute read

Problem Statement



My initial thoughts are to handle the various cases like “.”, “..”, and the normal directory names. We need to eliminate unnecessary “/” characters and appropriately navigate through the path.


The approach I took begins by using a regular expression to replace consecutive “/” characters with a single “/”. Then, I strip leading and trailing “/” characters and split the path into a list of directory names. I use a stack to keep track of the valid directory names, handling cases like “.”, “..”, and normal names appropriately. Finally, I join the stack elements to form the simplified path.


  • Time complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the input path. The regular expression and string manipulation are linear operations.

  • Space complexity: O(n), as we use additional space for the stack and path_list.


class Solution:
    def simplifyPath(self, path: str) -> str:
        import re
        path = re.sub(r'\/+', '/', path)
        path = path.strip('/')
        path_list = path.split('/')
        stack = []
        for s in path_list:
            if s == '.':
            if s == '..':
                if stack:
        return '/' + '/'.join(stack)

Editorial Solution

Approach: Using Stacks

class Solution:
    def simplifyPath(self, path: str) -> str:

        # Initialize a stack
        stack = []

        # Split the input string on "/" as the delimiter
        # and process each portion one by one
        for portion in path.split("/"):

            # If the current component is a "..", then
            # we pop an entry from the stack if it's non-empty
            if portion == "..":
                if stack:
            elif portion == "." or not portion:
                # A no-op for a "." or an empty string
                # Finally, a legitimate directory name, so we add it
                # to our stack

        # Stich together all the directory names together
        final_str = "/" + "/".join(stack)
        return final_str